Monday, September 11, 2006


These are a few giants that I was messing around with. Originally they were supposed to be native american but i later decided to make them kind of mid evil. I came to understand that Giants are only Giants because of their relationship with their environment. I tried adding props and other things to indicate scale. I had a little problem giving them personality and a story. Any suggestions.


Unknown said...

My only suggestion would be to write a small paragraph or sentence about who your giant is, then start drawing, understanding who he is and what he's all about makes will give him all the personallity he needs when you go to draw him. When writing hit speciic cues to give you clues on what you can illustrate. - Glad to see your still posting...

francis tsai said...

Hey Marcus

Nice job, keep it up! Sometimes giants have strange proportions, like an unusually small head for the size of their bodies. Check out some pictures of real life Guiness Book type tall people - they tend to have small heads in relation to their bodies.